Sometimes you just have to wonder
How is something so simple… So magnificent?
I wanna be that kind of book
Pristine and new is overrated. I’d rather be the book people have paged through.
Beauty under the foliage
True beauty knows it is beautiful, seen or unseen. It’s made for this.
What is it about poetry?
What is it about poetry that gets to us? that speaks to us? that opens our unhearing ears and unseeing eyes?
What makes art, art?
What makes art, art? worship, worship? beauty, beauty? is not of it but of us.
More than a view: the spiritual practice of noticing
Still before nature, the view up close is ever changing and we, with it.
a sign, a story and a stay-at-home time
I guess you could call it a sign of the times. It all started with sidewalk chalk, well actually not. But that was the idea we had. Hopscotch and curlicues drawn along the sidewalk, encouraging passersby to kick up their heels and play. But this wasn’t what was in the package when our order arrived. […]
Recovering rhythm
There’s been a schism; we’ve lost our rhythm. (it’s what we used to rely on the world to supply) What’s slowed our pace has nearly stopped our race. But hey, stay-at-home is not stuck alone. Turn up the volume, be inspired dial the inner music even higher. Let it lead you, even feed you. Feel […]
Fit for the Kingdom
What makes us fit? A good fit?Our shape? Size? Color? Language? Nationality?Our behavior? Net worth? Service record?Our church membership? Community service? Volunteer hours?Our education? Employment? Contribution? Is itHow many lives we’ve touched?How many stories we’ve listened to?How many hands we’ve held?How many sacrifices we’ve made?How many gifts we’ve given?What we’ve done? What we’ve left undone? […]
Art or Science?
Is it an art or a science? Does it need to be one or the other? More one than the other? more true? more useful? more real? Are they competing for our allegiance? our vote? our support? No! They are a meal best served together. A complement, one to the other. They taste better together. […]