What makes art, art?
What makes worship, worship?
What makes beauty, beautiful?

what wants to be expressed?
longs to come out,
to be displayed, 
to be offered,
as gift of delight, inspiration or awe.

what wants to take shape?
to be recognized, 
to be known,
to be understood,
as the beauty, the spark, that responds.

The. Oh! Ahh... Yesss!
of art, worship, beauty,
the trinity of emotion,
drawing out
the hidden, invisible, still.

unlike the cough, which the tickle propels,
unlike the sneeze, which the dust mite ignites,
unlike even the rage, which erupts from the hurting

No. This.
This calls 
from outside,
from elsewhere,
to neither erupt, propel or ignite

It calls out,
calls up,
evokes and elicits;
It compels, 
yes, without my permission,
yet absent inhibition.

I gasp. I startle. I laugh.
Where did you come from?
Flowing from me 
but surely not of me;
Yet, not a surprise to me.

this joy
this awe
this wonder

This worship
This oneness
This humanity

The hidden, invisible and still,
has been waiting
inside me

what art sees
what beauty says
what God does

to bring me to life.