Fit for the Kingdom
What makes us fit? A good fit?Our shape? Size? Color? Language? Nationality?Our behavior? Net worth? Service record?Our church membership? Community service? Volunteer hours?Our education? Employment? Contribution? Is itHow many lives we’ve touched?How many stories we’ve listened to?How many hands we’ve held?How many sacrifices we’ve made?How many gifts we’ve given?What we’ve done? What we’ve left undone? […]
Who is your brave-booster?
She was never quite ready. But she was brave and the universe listens to brave. ~ Rebecca Ray The universe may listen to brave, but mostly, it turns a deaf ear, laughs in your face and sends you packing. the world doesn’t reward brave, doesn’t reimburse you for your troubles, doesn’t acknowledge the courage it […]
Our Senses Know What is Sacred
Ah, fresh baked bread. Remember the smell of that kitchen? The rounded loaves, crisp and golden. Two handfuls torn open to the white, fluffy softness that melted the butter instantly. Mouth watering goodness. Ooh, crystal glasses of deep red bounty set before each place. Remember that first sip? Tangy tartness or oaken boldness, swirled from lip […]
Diversity doesn’t diminish, it stabilizes
“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.” ~ […]
Thy Word is…
Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.
Peace Out
Let’s DO this! … At a certain time, say, 7:00 pm Friday night, we all just walk out of the building we are in. Just out. Just for a few minutes. Not rally, not speeches, not organized. Just OUT. Quiet. Talk to neighbor. Just OUT. Solidarity. Done. Ready to move on. Beyond guns. Beyond oligarchy. […]
Meekness is not…
Meekness is not weakness, rather it’s a sign of surrender to God.” ~ Rev. Barbara Miner
Don’t Save Yourself for Later, You Won’t Keep
Spotted on Inward/Outward… Guidelines Here’s what you need to do, since time began: find something—diamond-rare or carbon-cheap, it’s all the same—and love it all you can. It should be something close—a field, a man, a line of verse, a mouth, a child asleep— that feels like the world’s heart since time began. Don’t measure much […]
Fear is fun to blame
~ from Jon Acuff today ~ A few months ago I had a conversation with my wife Jenny at our dinner table. Here’s how it went: Jon: I’m too afraid to write this book. Jenny: No, you’re too lazy, but fear is fun to blame because then it’s not your fault. Jon (and the chorus of millions): Grenade. […]
Two forces are at work in the world
“If we are to have a good day, there are certain things that we must do as Christians, and certain things that we must be content to leave undone. Further, there are certain things that we must be prepared to have done to us just because we are Christians. Our text opens with a kind of […]