Here we go, readying for another Christmas season. It’s exciting. It’s fun. It can be exhausting. But it’s worth it. I just plan to keep the whole thing in proportion this year. Maybe look at it as an endurance event and try to keep my pace even the whole way.
The challenge for me is the temptation to get caught up the current. I start out well and then somehow I find myself in the fast lane. Reminds me of the time I showed up so late for the start of my 5K race that I took off with the lead pack. They were actually racing the thing. I literally had to run for my life. This only lasted about 100 meters because I was overcome by the sharp jab of a side stitch and tripped up by the shoelace I hadn’t had time to secure.
I guess taking just a little time to prepare and then finding your proper place in the pace is really quite a healthy thing. It doesn’t take long. Just requires you show up with a few minutes to spare.
So, in my few minutes to spare during this season, I’m going to put myself in my proper posture with this stretch and its prayer.
I think it may make the season brighter. I know it will make me more flexible. And that may be the key to sustaining myself in the race all the way to the finish line which, of course, is Christmas Day.