Gifts for the Soccer Player on Your List
Are you strapped for ideas for that soccer player on your gift list? Never fear! Here is what soccer players we know are asking for this year. Some even shared the links to purchase. Browse away. You’re welcome. Practical Soccer ball or mini soccer ball for juggling Socks and gloves Slides (favorite sports manufacturer Adidas/Nike […]
Help, My Kid is Home for Winter Break!…10 Ways to Train the Mind and Body While Saving Your Sanity
So, you’ve got an active kid who is home for the holidays. Yeah, a few days engaged with the new toys and they’re bouncing off the walls. Or, whining that they’re bored, bored, bored. These days, the “boredom” sends kids to their screens. TV, computer, smart phone, ipad. You know the drill; it’s a sign […]