Use it or lose it. done.

Use it or lose it applies in, as far as I can tell, every situation. But what I’ve learned from those aging gracefully is there is no need to tell them that “no pain, no gain” is just bunk.

Learning doesn’t happen by spectation

Text, I can read. Image, I can see. By video, I can follow along. But to learn, I must take part. No one can stand in for me in my interaction, my operation, my turn at my own helm. Learning that lasts begins where caution ends and trust begins. Trust that whoever made me an […]

Gifted and Talented

The difference between a gift and a talent is only this: on a talent, you owe a tithe; for a gift, you owe everything.

A Physical Education

Active living isn’t just good for us; it’s God for us. A single daily dose and we become participants in our own re-creation!

Sweating away the ashes

The woman arrived with Lenten ashes marking her forehead.  As she sweated through her workout, the ashes smudged, diminished and finally vanished. By end of class she was washed clean. An entire Lenten journey, right there in the YMCA workout studio.

How Heavy is a Cross?

If Lent was a 6 week training program to prepare you for the cross competition, what would you do to train?