All Joy
The world will try to take a bite out of your joy… Don’t let it.
Collective Joy
They’re out. All twelve boys and their soccer coach are free. What is it about that news sends me to the verge of tears? I’m a soccer coach. I have taken my teams on excursions as team building opportunities. None of these have gone badly wrong, but they could have. I’m a parent. I cannot possibly […]
Lord, I believe but…
Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief! Perhaps the most honest words ever uttered. I want to believe completely. I want to be certain. But certain would mean that I have absolutely no doubt. None at all. Nada. But the truth is, I do have doubt — at least a little doubt — daily. I mean, what can […]
Pure Joy! It’s Your Party!
It’s complete pandemonium, folks! The crowd roars as the team is announced. They break into song as the players stride to the podium. The roar is deafening as they hoist the championship trophy. It is ours. After decades of waiting and a lifetime of work, we have won it! Pure joy! This is the scene as […]
Sticky Fingers Don’t Leave Prints
It’s terrible having sticky fingers. No, not the kind that pull what doesn’t belong to you off the department store shelves. I’m no thief. I don’t steal stuff. I feel stuff. Everything I touch has a sense, a texture, a tone, a pinch, a puff, a cuddle, a rebuff. It’s slippery or slimy, it’s sticky […]
Sneak Attacks of Joy
You sneaky Joy You wait just ’round the corner poised to … leap just as soon as I come your way. There you are across the street as I open the door to the new day. Is that you who tickled me as I watched the children playing and the teens jostling and the white-haired […]
Putting Fun in it’s Place
Okay, competitors, here are the rules: the one who has the most fun wins. Go! Children do it naturally. Teens do it clandestinely. Adults do it grudgingly or not at all. How have we lost our way? Somehow, in the important-ness of following the rules, doing it right, getting good grades and earning approval, the […]
Nothing brings light like a child, or acting like one
What if by “you are the light of the world” Jesus really meant,”Go, lighten your world?” Not shine light on dark things. Not draw attention with your sparkle. Not even ‘reflect My light,’ because He knew the day would come when the dark would grow darker and the Christ light would seem dimmer. What if, ‘you […]
Spell out the Joy
I form the letters on the side of the glass jar, drawing out the glitter glue which, I’m told, is expensive. “Don’t waste it. Make it last.” J – O – Y Scant. See-through. I have scraped the open end of the tube along, pulling the golden glitter into streaks and smears. Dismal. This is not […]
A Day Late, but renewable?
This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. ~ Psalm 118:24 If that was the lesson for Monday but I didn’t open it until Tuesday, did I miss it? It’s so great when we run on time. Better even if we get there early and are already […]