Dear Graduates, chart your own course
Caps and gowns everywhere! Smiling faces. Proud parents. Adoring Grands and even congratulatory hugs from siblings. It’s a great occasion and we mark it with well-deserved fanfare. Pomp. and. circumstance. So many graduates! I imagine each of them bouncing on their own personalized trampolines, springing giddily into the air, paying no heed to the creaking complaints […]
I am the vine, and you …
This vine was entwined in my laces after my morning run. Look what unfolded!
The Writing is On the Wall
Does anyone here read cursive? Apparently they’re not teaching it to most elementary school students these days. This has created quite a stir and not a small amount of dissension among ‘old-timers’ who don’t want this stalwart to go and ‘new-timers’ who say its time has passed. Recently, scientists have suggested that script hand-writing, with its flow of […]
Sneak Attacks of Joy
You sneaky Joy You wait just ’round the corner poised to … leap just as soon as I come your way. There you are across the street as I open the door to the new day. Is that you who tickled me as I watched the children playing and the teens jostling and the white-haired […]
Sewing Order
“We will so order our lives after the example of Christ…” That’s the beginning of the prayer we offer to newly baptized children or just confirmed young people in our church. This phrase always catches me. It’s that word: order. Not just act like Christ. Not just dress up like Christ. Not just have Christ as a […]
This band is cramping my style
This little purple band is a curious thing. We have been to challenged to wear it as a reminder of our commitment to the “No complaining for 21 days” effort. We’re to switch wrists if we complain and then start again at Day 1. (for more read more here) Friends tell me: their kids refuse […]
Where do Spirit Tears come from?
When the scrappy outside back (White) battles the opposing team’s forward (Blue) to win the ball near the touchline, we cheer her on. One shields, the other pokes. One leans, the other muscles in. The referee lets them play. All fair. No foul. Blue turns sharply toward the field just as white lifts her head. White’s […]
Have you seen the DQ Duckie?
Once you see it, you can’t miss it.
Standing Behind her As She Takes the Field
This morning my daughter took the field with a new soccer team. We have made many such changes over the years. New teams. New schools. New friends. Change is our norm. In fact, change seems the only reliable thing. And that can be exhausting. But each time she launches I hope. Today, I await the first very […]