It's my birthday, so I'm taking the day off from worrying... about the state of the earth, whether it's terminal about the state of the nation, whether it's fixable about the state of our politics, whether they're resolvable. I am exempting myself... from chores unless I want to do them from duties unless I care to accept them from stuff that screams PAY ATTENTION! Worry and responsibility have been distracting me from what it's clear I should be celebrating ... -- the wonderful friends I have found -- a glorious family that abounds -- the generous gifts which resound -- the amazing world all around. Disclaimer: I know full well, it is my privilege to get to choose worry-free; because today no one is depending on me -- for food, for peace, for calm, for life. Even more then the ample reason to give thanks for this reality season; when I can't do what I used to, perhaps so I especially enjoy the things I get to. My pesky pups a'clambering to play On this sunshine-kissed spectacular day, Of course the first thing that I do, Is step right in the dog poo. Eh, shake it off, fertilizer, nothing to lose, For now, I've got another pair of shoes. I wonder how many things I'd worry about less If I trusted I had what's needed to clean up the mess. On this, my birthday in 2023 thank you friends for celebrating with me. I am feeling spectacularly free, a privilege I don't take lightly.