How can I connect with a Creator I cannot see?
We connect everyday with things we don’t see, many of them in an old, familiar way. What does this for you? For me it is my dad’s old sweatshirt. Turned inside out, it was my favorite outfit as a kid. Even in the coldest weather, I could put it on over whatever else I was […]
Take a Deeper Breath
Sometimes, pushed to our limit, we discover we have more resources than we realize. Deep, slowed breathing gets us to the top of the mountain when forced effort leaves us panting for air.
How do you expand a mind?
It’s amazing what comes up at the ballpark when all the moments past come flooding back …
Last to Lunch: No one deserves to be first
Being last is a way of life for the least of these. How many do we notice and invite to go first?
Back from the brink
There will always be things to fear. Thank goodness we have a partner in life who can pull us back from the edge.
When the weak become strong we win
Playing to your strengths may be what’s getting in the way of your winning.
kicking and kicking but going nowhere?
When it feels like our kicking and kicking is getting us nowhere, we may be surprised by what shows us we’re getting somewhere.
What’s worse than hitting STOP on a moving treadmill?
A sudden stop taught me a life lesson. Funny how it’s all coming back to me now.
Suddenly gone: a season of loss without losing
Something was taken without your permission. Stolen while you weren’t looking. Nipped in the bud. Just as it was blooming, coming together, looking up, coming to fruition. So much hope. So much potential. So much. Without asking, they shut down your season, closed your show, before you even had a chance to take the stage. […]
Hold that finish!
“Behind every good _____, there’s a good ________,” they say. But I say, after every good stroke, there is a good follow through. After every good kick, after every good serve, after every good swing, after every good putt, after every good throw, there is a good follow through. It’s not an accident that a […]