Sometimes you just have to wonder
How is something so simple… So magnificent?
More than a view: the spiritual practice of noticing
Still before nature, the view up close is ever changing and we, with it.
Today, I witnessed a resurrection
Today, I thanked a tree for its shade, pausing under its broad branches for a moment’s break from the late morning sun. I even blew it a kiss, the only gift I could think of to offer back was this bit of extra CO2 for its respiration. A very small bit, to be sure. On […]
Sinking Sand or Solid Ground?
I don’t know about you but as for me, closing my eyes to pray or meditate isn’t an option. I feel trapped in a dark place and start scrounging around for light of my own creation or imagining. And that is sure to distract me from my intentions. I need a visual focus, something for […]
The key to 2020 Vision is in View
The key to a 2020 vision for humanity has been designed into how we see.
I am special because ________.
Saw this today: ” I am special because … I am really good at playing soccer.” A mother’s shout-out from her teacher-parent conference, complete with an image of her young child, kindergarten age, with a quotation bubble completing this phrase. His smiling face hovered atop a cutout body, colored with red and green Crayola crayons. […]
First we must stand
Walking, it’s as natural as breathing. Put one foot in front of the other. Move it on out. It wasn’t always this way. Once, we couldn’t hold our head up, couldn’t roll over couldn’t sit without toppling couldn’t rock on all fours could not even crawl. Imagine, there was a time when we were stuck in […]
Sudoku life
Monday’s are easy. Everything falls into place. A breeze. By Thursday, Few blanks are easy. Some are barely discernible. Plenty have dual identities. I’m stumped. How I wish life fell into boxes. First this, then this. It doesn’t. It’s waiting.
The Trust Game
Have you ever played the trust game? Where someone demonstrates trust in his or her fellows by falling backward into the waiting arms of a team of people set to catch her or him? Blind fall. Big risk. No guarantee. Complete confidence. TRUST. Whom do you trust like that? I just played a new trust game. […]
Mothering Nature
Why wouldn’t she? Build her nest there Under cover Nestled behind Safe from harm? Why wouldn’t she? Trust her pair of eggs To its softness Smooth and deep Hidden from view? Why wouldn’t she? Sit upon them Warm and waiting For their hatching Into the new day? All was quiet All was still All was […]