How can I connect with a Creator I cannot see?
We connect everyday with things we don’t see, many of them in an old, familiar way. What does this for you? For me it is my dad’s old sweatshirt. Turned inside out, it was my favorite outfit as a kid. Even in the coldest weather, I could put it on over whatever else I was […]
Can God speak to us through our bodies?
God speaks to us through our bodies. Why is that so hard to believe? We say that 70% of communication is non-verbal. Why do we insist that God speak through our listening ears? What do we perceive non-verbally? Well, this may sound nonsensical, because in normal conversation, what we mean by non-verbal is messaging though […]
Stretch to strengthen: pain of a healing sort
Body and soul together in prayer.
Fancy Fades
It began at a wedding where the wine never ran out… With fancy nails, pristine for the big event. Now, it’s time .. to get some DIRT under those nails!
Too Late
Don’t wait till next season … to use this season’s gifts.
Now that we have AI, do we really need God?
All knowledge is ours. What more do we need?
Take a Deeper Breath
Sometimes, pushed to our limit, we discover we have more resources than we realize. Deep, slowed breathing gets us to the top of the mountain when forced effort leaves us panting for air.
Making a Way in the Wilderness of Uncertainty
When we find the way unclear, we might do well to adopt the approach of the prophet Samuel when none of the sons presented were the one chosen. Are these all the sons you have?
The Good we can do… together
Berliners welcome refugees coming without anything except their lives and their children. Finally, I understand the Good Samaritan: ALL of us working together to minister to those in need.
Climbing down from my control tower
I’m tired of being the air traffic controller of my life