Don’t Hold On
Sometimes it takes a painful letting go to discover what we truly need.
Love Inspired
5 minutes that will transform your day
Now that we have AI, do we really need God?
All knowledge is ours. What more do we need?
You are what you’re doing right now
A prayer for these days
The undeniable evidence of your senses
Need proof of a Divine Designer? Look no further than your own body
Making a Way in the Wilderness of Uncertainty
When we find the way unclear, we might do well to adopt the approach of the prophet Samuel when none of the sons presented were the one chosen. Are these all the sons you have?
In a mirror, grimly, and yet
The bright morning sun beams showed me just how poor my mirror-cleaning efforts had been and then something so much better.
Is that you, God? It’s me, Wendy
If an App on my phone can identify birds by their songs, I wonder if an App could ID God sounds and sightings.
The Good we can do… together
Berliners welcome refugees coming without anything except their lives and their children. Finally, I understand the Good Samaritan: ALL of us working together to minister to those in need.
We play who we are
If endurance is your game, how long do you wait?