Can God speak to us through our bodies?
God speaks to us through our bodies. Why is that so hard to believe? We say that 70% of communication is non-verbal. Why do we insist that God speak through our listening ears? What do we perceive non-verbally? Well, this may sound nonsensical, because in normal conversation, what we mean by non-verbal is messaging though […]
Take a Deeper Breath
Sometimes, pushed to our limit, we discover we have more resources than we realize. Deep, slowed breathing gets us to the top of the mountain when forced effort leaves us panting for air.
The unraveling
Our body’s most basic design feature may hold the key to understanding how our society has become so unraveled.
The undeniable evidence of your senses
Need proof of a Divine Designer? Look no further than your own body
How do you expand a mind?
It’s amazing what comes up at the ballpark when all the moments past come flooding back …
Designed to Do More than Reflect: Holy Refraction
We can do more than reflect the world back to itself. We can refract earthly things to embark on kingdom things.
Today, I witnessed a resurrection
Today, I thanked a tree for its shade, pausing under its broad branches for a moment’s break from the late morning sun. I even blew it a kiss, the only gift I could think of to offer back was this bit of extra CO2 for its respiration. A very small bit, to be sure. On […]
The key to 2020 Vision is in View
The key to a 2020 vision for humanity has been designed into how we see.
What gets your attention?
We all notice, don’t we? The thing that wasn’t there before. The thing that isn’t but was. The thing that’s different from one image to the next. Heck, that’s a puzzle I loved to do as a kid! Find all 10! Yes, if we’re paying even the slightest attention, we notice when something has changed, […]
Art or Science?
Is it an art or a science? Does it need to be one or the other? More one than the other? more true? more useful? more real? Are they competing for our allegiance? our vote? our support? No! They are a meal best served together. A complement, one to the other. They taste better together. […]