By Our Wounds, We are Healed

You don’t start out the best at anything. The only way to get better is to work at it. Things take practice and patience, trial and error, falling down and getting up. Three years ago this April, I fell and could not get back up. I needed help, which included a repair to the hamstring […]

Where is the line between heaven and earth?

Where is the line between heaven and earth? When people pass, what do they pass? Where do they cross from here to there? If we’re headed toward something, shouldn’t we see it so we’ll know when we get there? I see you…. you line on the horizon. But you are fickle. Yes, as the sun […]

Home Coming

I’m in a hole. The further down I go, the darker it gets. Oh, I don’t know I’m in a hole. I’m busy with projects and activities, schedules and travel. I scurry to complete, scour to clean up, check for misaligned pieces and missing parts. Anyone who looks my way would likely call me capable, […]

Dear Rosy, I give you back to the Love from which you came

Everybody does it. Taking a break is part of life. Perhaps part of the human condition. Time away is rest, relief, recovery. But getting started again, now that’s the hard part. Because time off changes you. Especially when the break is final. On June 11th I said goodbye to Rosy, my sweet golden companion of […]

Planking and praying, a perfect pair

I’m caught in a bind. Between fit-ness and fat-ness. What I really want to do is motivate people to take ownership in the value of being active. But this message is going out to two groups of people: those who want to fine tune their Maseratis and those who have missed all their 15, 30 and […]

Injury Prevention is God’s Primary Business

My left rotator cuff is giving me a bit of trouble again. I notice it when simple motions give me a twinge. Like pulling the sheets back or grabbing the seat belt. I, ever the self-diagnostician, always stop at the twinge. I lift the arm. Rotate it. Lift it again. Until I get it exactly […]