Who says the Bible is an outdated book that doesn’t speak to our current circumstances??
From Acts 2:42-47, we read, (with some modifications) …
The Fellowship of the Believers
They devoted themselves to the coaches’ teaching and to their teammates, to the breaking of carbs, proteins and fats in moderation and to petition, imploring and appeal for a World Cup win. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the players. The roster of 23 were together and had everything in common, when they were called into the camp. They relinquished property and possessions to compete for a starting spot and supported anyone who needed encouragement. Every day they continued to meet together on the fields and in the gym. They broke bread in their hotels and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God, friends, family and fans and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being inspired to #Believe. ~ Acts 2:42-47
May the Lord forgive my boldness, to read His word into our ways.
Congratulations to the 15ers, champions all.