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[ Keeping You in the Game ]
[ 757-585-3981 ]
What’s Fit2Finish?
Why Me?
Let’s Go!
What’s Fit2Finish?
Why Me?
Let’s Go!
Fitness as a Lifestyle: Winning Over Your
Weekend Warrior
Nutritional Demands for Sport and Health
The Mature Athlete: Sport for Seniors
Injuries: The Risks and the Realities
Wellness – Mind, Body, Spirit
Adult Fitness:
The Body Fit and Fed
A&P by Design – The
Amazing Human Body and how it works
The Anatomy and Physiology of Exercise for Healthy Movement
Fitting in Fitness: Training to Reach your Fitness Goal
Personalizing Your Fitness Plan
What is Wellness? – Mind, Body, Spirit
Boomer Busting: Aging as it Effects your Body’s Abilities, Maximize your Potential
Healthy Lifestyle: Stretch, Strengthen and Move
Movement and Mindfulness for Stress Reduction and Lifelong Health
Physical Activity and Disease Prevention
Your Physical Activity Personality (8 Colors of Fitness)
Senior Adult
Healthy Aging: If I’d known I’d live this long I’d have taken better care of myself
Fall Prevention: Balance Basics