
The whole world comes alive when the sun rises. One by one, two by two they emerge from east, from west, from every way and every other way, whole flocks together as if a heavenly call has gone out and they’re heeding its message. Is it the rays, the light, the glimmer that bids them […]

To See a Thing

To see a thing which mars the landscape and remove it in order to reveal the Glory underneath…

The day God danced, too

There must be extra joy in heaven when a life in rain and clouds finds the the first sunshine of a new day.

Today, I witnessed a resurrection

Today, I thanked a tree for its shade, pausing under its broad branches for a moment’s break from the late morning sun. I even blew it a kiss, the only gift I could think of to offer back was this bit of extra CO2 for its respiration. A very small bit, to be sure. On […]

We, the prodigal people

“There was a man who had two sons. The younger one said to his father, ‘Father, give me my share of the estate.’ So he divided his property between them. “Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living.” Luke 15:11-13 We, the […]

The smallest of things

When fog obscures the glorious vistas, look at what the dewdrops illuminate. Each, a unique piece of craftsmanship, handcrafted with its own signature. Each, a-toiling side by side, A daily labor. A work of art.