How (Not) to Raise a Narcissist
We are raising narcissists, or so a new study reports. The study, authored by Brad J. Bushman, PhD, professor of communication and psychology at the Ohio State University, asked 565 children aged 7 to 11 years – the years when kids start to compare themselves with other children – and their parents about self-esteem, parental warmth, […]
Simple Neck Exercise that Defeats Screen Time
Oh, and this will make athlete’s heads, necks and torsos safer on the field. Happy strengthening, everyone. Contact Fit2Finish for more resistance band exercises or for information about purchasing bands.
Coaching is Like Parenting: your kids show you how to be better
Our kids need coaches. They need adults who will spend a couple hours a week on the fields with them and will root from the sidelines one day each weekend. It’s a lot to ask of people these days, what with families going every which way, jobs claiming more of our time, volunteer responsibilities clamoring […]
Parenting Gone Mad: We Give Kids Everything and they Come Away with Nothing
A mind is a terrible thing to lose, but I think we are are on our way to lost here in Virginia. I say this after watching a woman check out at the Container Store. She has hoisted her cart full of items up to be scanned for payment while her son and daughter contentedly […]
Movement is Natural for Healthy Children
The toddler was bee-bopping in the seat of that BJs shopping cart, perfectly in rhythm with the music piped quietly, unobtrusively, barely perceptibly through the speakers into our shopping experience. And the young mom was dancing along as they cruised down the aisle of canned goods. “Amazing how they arrive with rhythm, isn’t it?” I […]
Want to help your female athletes think and play with confidence? Write it down
Have you ever noticed that girls like to ponder things? Me too. Have you ever wondered what they’re thinking about? Me too. Do you know the best way to find out? Ask them. But don’t expect it to be that easy. You have to read between the lines. Which means…get it in writing. I’ve had […]
Are Fitness and Fun Important to Your Kid?
All kids will be healthy if Fit2Finish has its way and they’ll have fun doing it. It shouldn’t be a chore or a ‘work’out. We believe in fitness that’s fun for every body, even for elite athletes with performance on their minds. This fall F2F has been on the field with kids from the Vienna […]
Youth Soccer Players:Take Your Game Home Over the Summer
Don’t you love that last day of school? You return all your books, say goodbye to your teachers and head out the door. Don’t have to think about any of THAT stuff till September. All good, unless you volunteered to take the class pet home for the summer. Him, you have to feed, water, exercise […]
Young Athlete Says the Key to a Good Coach is…”He doesn’t yell.”
I met a lacrosse player yesterday who was aching to be released from physical therapy and get back on the field. This is his senior year in high school and college coaches have shown an interest in him. I ask him how he likes his coach. “He’s okay,” the kid says, but his frown tells me otherwise. […]
Teaching Throw ins: Kids Learn by Doing, Not Watching
Kids don’t learn by watching. They learn by doing. It was amazing to me that these 8 and 9 year old boys stood so politely watching their coach demonstrate and listening to their coach describe what they are to do with their throw ins. The coach was kind and pleasant and fun, but he went […]