When the stone the builders rejected became the cornerstone
What the world rejects, God lifts up and uses for wonderful purposes: our good and His Glory.
Dear Christine, Dear Brett
Dear Christine Blasey Ford, I believe you. For the same reason Bible scholars offer to believe the first disciples, witnesses to the resurrection of Christ. Though they could not produce physical evidence other than their first-person testimony (which varied from evangelist to evangelist) and could not provide tangible proof for investigating authorities. No, they are […]
Use Your Words
Two kids play in the sandbox until one wants the toy the other has and helps himself. Dispossessed kid shoves the other to reclaim the toy. “Use your words, child!” Happy family out to dinner and the time is getting late. Junior fidgets, whines then tantrums. “Use your words, child!” Children changing classes through crowded halls. One […]
Truth, Justice and the American Way
Superman comic books used to be all the craze when I was a kid. I read them. Okay, I looked at the pictures and followed the dialogue. I rooted for the good guy in the cape. The man of steel. Nothing could stop him, except kryptonite, and who has kryptonite? Faster than a speeding bullet, […]
Golfers…is it hazard, boundary or OB?
Some games have foul lines. On or inside, the ball is in play. (baseball) Some games have touch lines. On or inside, the ball is live. (soccer) The ruling is made by an official with regard to the ball and not the player. Unless you’re playing pick up ball, where the loudest and most authoritative […]