Can God speak to us through our bodies?
God speaks to us through our bodies. Why is that so hard to believe? We say that 70% of communication is non-verbal. Why do we insist that God speak through our listening ears? What do we perceive non-verbally? Well, this may sound nonsensical, because in normal conversation, what we mean by non-verbal is messaging though […]
When the stone the builders rejected became the cornerstone
What the world rejects, God lifts up and uses for wonderful purposes: our good and His Glory.
Did the Resurrection really happen?
Does it matter if the Resurrection actually happened? This was the question we considered in my adult Sunday School class at a church I used to belong to. I was a regular at Sunday school, where we considered issues of faith and its practice as a matter of course. Sunday school was organized and led […]
Seeking to See – Glimmer or Grand Illumination?
Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through. A man was there by the name of Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and rich. He sought to see who Jesus was, but could not on account of the crowd. ~ Luke 19:1-3 “The thing that Zacchaeus wanted to do more than anything else that day was to […]
The Great Eraser
“There is no mistake you can make that I am not bigger than.” Love, God
I go to prepare a place for you
Until that which we write, we think, we pray, comes to life, we are noisy gongs and clanging cymbals. This is the pre-Easter world, the pre-Easter us. Oh, the list. Thank God, the baby Jesus was born into a smelly stable. At least He knew what He was getting himself into, or at least He […]
Love doesn’t leave
“I’m not leaving his side.” This is the expression of love. A love so deep that it proclaims, nothing is separating us. I am staying right here… in case he needs something, in case he hurts, to prevent him from getting lost or wandering away, so he won’t be confused or lonely. This is the […]
Leave no doubt
What if we forget? What if we don’t get around to it? What if we’re afraid?…to tell them…until it’s too late. I live among the self-sufficient. Everybody’s “got this.” “I’m good,” they say. They don’t need my help, don’t entertain my suggestion, don’t want my advice. In fact, accepting help taints their ‘I can do […]
Where life gets real, there is always hope
We lost a young man in our church last Tuesday afternoon. He died as the result of a tragic accident. Suddenly. On the day he graduated from 8th grade. He was a good kid but not perfect – an adventurous boy, a reliable friend, a brother you could count on, a loving son. He regularly […]
Communion Running
Let no one say that running is not worship. I went for a Communion Run this morning. Yep, right there, as the roadside gravel crunched under my feet, I sang … eat this bread, drink this wine, trust in me and you will not thirst. Works well if you have shortish strides and no place really […]