Don’t Save Yourself for Later, You Won’t Keep

Spotted on Inward/Outward… Guidelines Here’s what you need to do, since time began: find something—diamond-rare or carbon-cheap, it’s all the same—and love it all you can. It should be something close—a field, a man, a line of verse, a mouth, a child asleep— that feels like the world’s heart since time began. Don’t measure much […]

Order Through Imagination

I want to have written the story that changes peoples’ lives, not write it! Oh, it’s not about the fame and fortune, nor about the accolades and acclaim. I just want people to read what I write and see themselves in it, only better. I want them to see their family members in a new […]

Play needs no purpose

Play needs no purpose. That is why play can go on and on as long as players find it meaningful. After all, we do not dance in order to get somewhere. We dance around and around. A piece of music doesn’t come to an end when its purpose is accomplished. It has no purpose, strictly […]

Where in Carnation is Christmas?

Twas the day after Christmas and all through the land the kids were glad to sleep in and the parents to sip their morning coffee and peruse the headlines. I’m always a bit melancholy on the day after Christmas. And that’s the way with anticipation fulfilled, right? Once you have it, what do you do with […]

Golfers…is it hazard, boundary or OB?

Some games have foul lines. On or inside, the ball is in play. (baseball) Some games have touch lines. On or inside, the ball is live. (soccer) The ruling is made by an official with regard to the ball and not the player. Unless you’re playing pick up ball, where the loudest and most authoritative […]

Called to go beyond our limits ~ by Gregg Levoy

This is so marvelous, I wanted to share it with friends of the Kinesthetic Christian. *** It makes perfect sense that we should be called to go beyond our limits, because the One that calls us is beyond all limits. I suspect that all the energy we have bound up in resisting our own potential […]

You have not arrived but you’re getting there

Recently, I drove to my Dad’s house just north of Atlanta. The roads are constantly under construction there so I activated my navigation system to assist me along the way. As I approached his subdivision the voice became more frequent and more insistent. It seemed to be building up to a big finish. In .3 miles turn […]