Top 10 Reasons for Injury Attrition at the World Cup
This World Cup is seeing a soaring tally of players who are out, unavailable and/or questionable. What or who is to blame? Here are some contenders: Overtraining. Possible, but unlikely by itself because the players on these teams are monitored day and night for workload and their body’s response to training demands. Fatigue. The number […]
Avoid Injuries: Take Time Off
“But we can’t afford to rest. Our archnemesis has indoor space and they’re training twice a week. Plus, they’ve registered for two indoor leagues and a futsal session. We can’t rest; we’ll lose ground.” If this is going through your head, you’re not alone. It’s the “keep up with the Joneses” mentality that is rampant […]
Can Sports Injuries Have a Silver Lining?
Does it seem like everyone is getting injured? Even the pro’s. Ronaldinho – muscle tear, out 3 months. Jores Okore – ACL tear, out 9 months. Even Messi, the great Messi, is battling a right leg injury which has taken him out of play. When the professionals get hurt, the question is always, “How soon can […]
Are Sports Too Much for Your Kid? Dismantling the Dagwood Sandwich, An Equation for Healthy Youth Sport
Everybody’s talking about injuries. Coaches, doctors, league administrators, and parents are worried about the increase in injuries from SO much soccer! Kids are stuffed with teams and tryouts, tournaments and competitions. What used to be a tasty part of a balanced diet, now sits on their plate like a dagwood sandwich, daring them to eat […]
Can the ACL Be Repaired Safely in Children?
Surgeons tell me their ACL repairs are coming in younger and younger packages. 200-400,000 repairs per year (depending on who you ask) costing us multiple billions of dollars. But if you have been the parent of one of these kids you know that doesn’t even touch the cost. The pain you feel for them and […]
Just Don’t Get Hurt – How do you play that game?
When our daughter took the field with the high school soccer team, these words of advice were our best attempt at injury prevention. “Just don’t get hurt.” What a game plan, eh? How do you play the “just don’t get hurt” game? Here are some options: Take the field but don’t engage. Get out of their way […]
Coach as First Responder When a Young Athlete Gets Injured
As coaches we are not meant to be sports medicine experts and we shouldn’t overstep our credentials. But, let’s face it; we’re our athletes’ first responders. When they go down on the field, the referee signals for us to come on and check out their condition. This is a unique privilege – just ask any […]