I am special because ________.

Saw this today: ” I am special because … I am really good at playing soccer.” A mother’s shout-out from her teacher-parent conference, complete with an image of her young child, kindergarten age, with a quotation bubble completing this phrase. His smiling face hovered atop a cutout body, colored with red and green Crayola crayons. […]

Not Your Usual Bouncer

Ready…go! Each set off at his own pace with her own rhythm in their own style. Bounce.. bounce…. bounce. bounce…boun..ce bounceee.. bou..bbounce Tennis balls, in their joy and merriment, leaping and playing, of their own accord. Until bounce..bounce.bounce..bounce..bounce.bounce..bounce. Became bounce.bounce.bounce.bounce. They were finished, then. Fallen in, Rank and file, Orderly. Procession. Oh, the sound. Calling […]