A Perfecting Time
My hair is long My nails unkempt My clothes askew My face unwashed Thus unadorned I go before my day. This day, as the last and the one before it and the one before that. How many more? I cannot say I have no say Lord, how long? Instead, You turn me to me And […]
I am, but God is
It’s comforting to sit among friends to share how difficult it is (life makes it) (circumstances dictate) (inspiration absent) to wait to do what I’m supposed to, meant to, what I promised to do. Circumstances don’t define me. My life is bigger than that. Life needn’t suffocate me. I can choose air, light, breath. Inspiration […]
Sewing Order
“We will so order our lives after the example of Christ…” That’s the beginning of the prayer we offer to newly baptized children or just confirmed young people in our church. This phrase always catches me. It’s that word: order. Not just act like Christ. Not just dress up like Christ. Not just have Christ as a […]
Same God, New Me, Daily
God doesn’t keep repeating Gods-self. That’s SUCH a good thing. He doesn’t say what I would say to me, “If I’ve told you once I’ve told you a thousand times ___________.” Nope. God finds a new way to put what God needs to keep telling me over and over again. That is grace. Because the […]