Can we hurry patiently?

Patience is an ever present alternative to the mind’s endemic restlessness and impatience. Scratch the surface of impatience and what you will find lying beneath it, subtly or not so subtly, is anger. It’s the strong energy of not wanting things to be the way they are and blaming someone (often yourself) or some thing […]

The Hurrieder I go, the Behinder I get

That phrase, from a poster on my high school bedroom wall, is haunting me today. Not because time has passed, but because it hasn’t seemed to. It’s even more true today than it was back then, and it has me wondering whether I am making any headway. Speed breeds errors. Which mean do-overs. Which take time. […]

At just the right time…

At just the right time, you brought the world into existence, so why am I in such a hurry to speed things up?

I’m not late, I’m coming!

Time is imaginary, right? Just like money. Not real. Just a concept. A suggestion. If I have, say, a 3:00 meeting that is 20 minutes away and I leave at 2:50. I’m not late. Not until I am halfway there and the clock ticks 3:00 am I late. If I have a project due tomorrow […]

Just on time

It’s a funny thing about the pace of life these days. It hurries me. I’ve got 24 hours just like the next girl, so why is it that I always seem to be running late? It was Sunday and I was late for church again. Brushing my teeth and grabbing the earrings that were easiest […]