How Long Does it Take to Grow Up?
Mommy, when you are a hundred, will you be as tall as the clouds? This, my little daughter asks me from her seat on the swing in our backyard. Her sweet up-turned face looks past me to the billowing clouds overhead. To her, growing up means growing taller so she can reach the monkey bars […]
Coming Out of My Own Closet
Two hours down and I have only gotten through half the stuff in my closet. At the urging and with the help of my youngest daughter who conveyed handfuls of items to try on, each piece of clothing received a yea, a nay or a “second chance.” The pile of “no’s” grew precipitously, demanding a second bin even […]
What will you be when you grow up?
“So, Jesus, what do you want to be when you grow up?” Joseph asked. “Christ,” Jesus answered, finishing the last of the bread on his plate. “I told you, dear.” *** What does that mean, growing up into Christ? as a daily practice? as a foregone conclusion? as a ‘calling,’ a compulsion, a drawing out. […]