Beauty under the foliage
True beauty knows it is beautiful, seen or unseen. It’s made for this.
Looking for Signs of New Life
It’s that time of year again; trees a-flowering, flowers a-budding, buds a-popping, all giving way to the greening of leaves in canopies across the land. Well, across the temperate land. Here in Central Florida, everything stays green all year round. The palms, shrubs, and grasses wave happily in the constant breezes. Even cacti thrive in […]
Paradise missing
You have to feed paradise. You can’t expect it to bloom on its own!
Sticky Fingers Don’t Leave Prints
It’s terrible having sticky fingers. No, not the kind that pull what doesn’t belong to you off the department store shelves. I’m no thief. I don’t steal stuff. I feel stuff. Everything I touch has a sense, a texture, a tone, a pinch, a puff, a cuddle, a rebuff. It’s slippery or slimy, it’s sticky […]