The Trust Game

Have you ever played the trust game? Where someone demonstrates trust in his or her fellows by falling backward into the waiting arms of a team of people set to catch her or him? Blind fall. Big risk. No guarantee. Complete confidence. TRUST. Whom do you trust like that? I just played a new trust game. […]

No bargaining in the strike zone

Perspective isn’t everything, but it may be the only thing. Certainly it’s the only resource I have to make sense of the world I travel through. To it, I bring my experiences, my memory, my knowledge, and my history. Then I reflect and decide to act or not to act. This is what we all […]

Stop the ready and start the go

Ready-Set-Go! I love hearing that. Especially the “Go!” That’s my signal to jump into action, begin the race, dash  into the scavenger hunt. Actually I like it when someone else says Go. Otherwise I would spend all my time in the ready-set. Preparing for action. Settling into the start position, re-tying my shoes, adjusting my waist band, […]

Jump Ball With God

Have you ever watched a kids basketball game? They’re all scrambling around, don’t quite have the ball under control, but they know their objective: get it in the basket. Occasionally, they pass it. Often, they shoot and miss. The tall ones get all the rebounds. This is the way it was when I played basketball […]

Today, I kick-off

I just came from a gathering of Christian pastors and lay people at the beautiful Lake Junaluska retreat center in the mountains of North Carolina. So much hesitation. So many who desire to do things just right. Studying. Learning. Talking and listening. Planning. Figuring. Waiting. And oh yes, worshiping and praising God. But there is […]