Hand Washing as Prayer

How kinesthetic is this act of hand washing? Of soap and water sudsing, hands a-rubbing, fingers folding, interlocking, palms compressing and releasing, slipping one past the other, slick even slippery, signaling finally that it’s time to rinse. What if, instead of counting obediently 1,2,3… instead of singing happy birthday mindlessly… we prayed intentionally? The Lord’s […]

Lord, hear our prayer

You have given us a world of beauty, and we have spoilt it. A world to feed us, and yet many go hungry. A world of riches, and we are unwilling to share. A world to care for, and we think only of ourselves. Forgive us, gracious God, for those times your heart is saddened […]

Hi Daddy! Hi Daddy!

Start children off on the way they should go,     and even when they are old they will not turn from it. ~ Proverbs 22:6 I’m sorry, but yes they will. Some will step off accidentally and stumble right back on. Some will wander off, oblivious to your calls and whistles. Some will investigate that very […]

Complaint-free for 21 days

No complaining. Period. For 21 days in a row. That’s the challenge that has been issued to folks at Floris UMC for the month of September by our pastor. Him included. We are wearing purple wrist bands to remind us of our pledge and to help us keep tabs. Every time we complain we must […]

Where life gets real, there is always hope

We lost a young man in our church last Tuesday afternoon. He died as the result of a tragic accident. Suddenly. On the day he graduated from 8th grade. He was a good kid but not perfect – an adventurous boy, a reliable friend, a brother you could count on, a loving son. He regularly […]

It’s all in how they read it

“LITTLE PIG, LITTLE PIG, LET ME COME IN!”There, did you read that in a big, deep voice? Reverend Miner says, “I hope so, or you’re not a very good storyteller.” Because you want the child to get the message: when danger comes knocking, don’t let it in. Isn’t it funny how children’s fiction speaks so […]

Cradled in Community

News travels fast. At 2:24pm on Tuesday afternoon my daughter, who lives in DC, messaged me asking, “Do you know what’s happening on Point Rider Lane?” She had seen a news link, shared on Facebook by a friend from her middle school soccer team who was concerned about the helicopters flying over her house. I […]

Rallying from Reply All

Our neighborhood block party was scheduled for Saturday night. But wouldn’t you know a few tornadoes would force us to re-schedule for Sunday night? Right after we were warned in worship this week to “Harness Hearsay.” I do love the block party. It’s fun to catch up with people. Find out about the kids, the grand kids, […]

Faith and Reason: through the swinging door called imagination

Kids ask the darnedest things. You know like…Why is the grass green? Why is the sky blue? Where do babies come from? I think they are born scientists. A Christian educator shared a word of caution and wisdom with me once. She said, we get ourselves into trouble when we give the convenient answer, “God made the […]