Coming Out of My Own Closet

Two hours down and I have only gotten through half the stuff in my closet. At the urging and with the help of my youngest daughter who conveyed handfuls of items to try on, each piece of clothing received a yea, a nay or a “second chance.” The pile of “no’s” grew precipitously, demanding a second bin even […]

The Nesting Tree

You would have loved my mom. She was diligent and dutiful, industrious and ingenious, fashionable and fastidious, a loyal friend and devoted spouse. If there were room-moms back then, she would’ve been a great one. If there were sports-Mom awards given, she would have been well-decorated. She cooked a mean pot roast, prepared an awesome peach pie and baked chocolate […]

Thanks for Dinner, Dad

“Rats,” said one. This was greeted by a delighted chortle from the backseat, where sat the other, smiling at beating her sister this time to thank Dad for the dinner we had just enjoyed at the restaurant. The rules are: you can’t say it until we return home, the driveway counts, first to remember, wins. No […]

The Life of a Book

My paternal grandfather didn’t set out to be a writer. In fact, I’m told he wanted to be an opera singer. These aspirations took him traveling across Germany where he learned to speak the language fluently and, as it turns out, fell in love with the life and writings of Martin Luther. So much so […]

Six Perfect Words: I Just Love to Watch You Play

“I just love to watch you play.” (okay technically seven) These are the six simple words I would like to tell my kids after every game, every performance, and every event. It’s the one thing I want them to know, and it’s been this way since…well, forever. I remember my delight at watching them find […]

The Power of a Life Well-Lived

In honor and remembrance of John F Rilling, my dad, who would have celebrated his 80th birthday today. Psalm 37:1-6 Fret not yourself because of the wicked,     be not envious of wrongdoers! For they will soon fade like the grass,     and wither like the green herb. Trust in the Lord, and do good;     so you […]

You remind me of your father

We said our final goodbyes to Dad this weekend. What a collection we were, gathered there to pay our respects. The golf group – who remembered the yips he got on short putts like I did The bridge partners – who remembered the joy the game gave him The business partners and employees – who […]

Be Their Healing

My mother was dearly beloved by her maternal grandfather, John K. Leigh, or so my grandmother told me. Doted over, actually, and perhaps a bit spoiled. Apparently, he gave her whatever she asked. “There was one thing she wouldn’t ask for,” Mamma told me. “She really wanted a horse, but she knew he couldn’t give […]

Three’s not a crowd, it’s just right

“Oh, but it’s your passion, Wendy.” Well, yes, I do like to exercise and be outdoors and eat healthy foods and generally take care of my body. But that’s not actually the point. Don’t lump me with those ‘world’s biggest loser’ fans or those ‘organic everything’ fanatics or those ‘Xtreme sports’ folk. I am really […]

What will you be when you grow up?

“So, Jesus, what do you want to be when you grow up?” Joseph asked. “Christ,” Jesus answered, finishing the last of the bread on his plate. “I told you, dear.” *** What does that mean, growing up into Christ? as a daily practice? as a foregone conclusion? as a ‘calling,’ a compulsion, a drawing out. […]