What is a Coach? The word coach comes from the term given to the large, horse-drawn, four- wheeled carriage, used to transport people from where they are to where they want to be.
What is a Parent? A father or a mother, protector or guardian, who dearly wishes to carry a child from where they are to where they want to go, but must put them down so they can do it themselves.
An excellent youth sports coach is the perfect combination of parent and coach. He or she is meant to carry kids from where they are to where they want to go, as individuals and as a team, and ready them for their next step, whether final exam or championship game.
As coaches and parent-coaches we want to get our kids to their perfect destination. We can’t do it for them, but we can provide their transportation. The kids provide the fuel and the effort. Fit2Finish can help them get there without breaking down along the way. Find the F2F method and more to keep your athlete healthy in Dr. LeBolt’s new book.
Keeping a healthy approach to sports today is hard. The Fit2Finish website provides coaches, parents and athletes with information and tools to help them succeed.
- Education and Tools for the Healthy Athlete
- Performance training
- Sport psychology, mental fitness
- Training designed to avoid injury
- Recovery training for return to play
- Fitness for life-long sport
Athletes come in all sizes, ages and abilities. Keeping kids in the game requires a different approach at each level. In addition to the sport-specific techniques and tactics, coaches must prepare players for the game they will play.
- Recreational players play for fun and fitness. Coaching emphasis: coordination, cooperation, and physical fitness.
- Competitive players play to win. Coaching emphasis: balance, strength, speed, coordination and team orientation.
- Select players play for performance. Coaching emphasis: agility, quickness, strength and injury prevention and team performance.
- Elite players play to showcase themselves for recruiting. Coaching emphasis: dynamic strength, power, mental fitness, injury prevention and individual performance as team member.
- College/professional players play for glory, honor, fitness and fun. Coaching emphasis: integration of training, injury avoidance and sport and positional specialization.