Our God is a very patient God. With all that we’ve done to deny and defy and dismiss Him or Her since the beginning of time … I’d call that patient.
God promised, in Christ, to come again and to bring His kingdom with Him. What if that’s not a descent from the Holy above but an uprising from the terrestrial below? What if Our Creator is waiting until each child of the Beloved uncovers the unique feature of themselves that is Our Maker’s making? What if we are blind to this one thing in ourselves and capable of seeing it clearly only when we selflessly attend to another?
What if the Kingdom to Come depends on us? What if each of us is responsible for drawing the God-portion out of the other, until every last piece is called out. What if only then the body of Christ on earth would take shape as one Kingdom puzzle: the God made known in and through Jesus, come again.
If fitting the pieces depended wholly on us, how would we live?