
  1. Give players the resources to cope with the stress of the game: help them focus on the task and what they CAN control (their game, their aggressiveness, their attitude) and not what they CAN’T control (game outcome, play of the other team, environment )
  2. Be aware of outside stressors of your players.
  3. Connect personally with your players.
  4. Solicit player input.  Encourage 2-way communication.


  1. Recognize “optimal pushing” and don’t go beyond.
  2. Lessen involvement.  Let them play their game.
  3. Decrease the importance of winning.
  4. Have empathy for your child.
  5. Don’t coach if you aren’t.  Separate these roles if you are.
  6. Solicit your child’s input.


  1. Play for your own reasons, not to live up to expectations of Mom, Dad, Coach.
  2. Balance sports with other things.
  3. Ask: Is it still fun?
  4. Find the fun in practices and games.
  5. Have realistic, achievable goals.  Are these in line with those of coach?  Are parents aware and in agreement?
  6. Take time off.