Stretch to strengthen: pain of a healing sort
Body and soul together in prayer.
Fancy Fades
It began at a wedding where the wine never ran out… With fancy nails, pristine for the big event. Now, it’s time .. to get some DIRT under those nails!
In the anxious of always, this
Before we arise, we are delivered into the new day. How can it be? And yet…
Gun Violence: I’ve reached my breaking point
We will be held to account based on how we cared for our children. Let us resolve to…
Making a Way in the Wilderness of Uncertainty
When we find the way unclear, we might do well to adopt the approach of the prophet Samuel when none of the sons presented were the one chosen. Are these all the sons you have?
Love Opens
Love opens: such simple words, uttered in a world where too many doors are slamming shut.
how we respond to ‘thou shalt not’ says a lot about who we are
Does dissent that is celebrated in our youth grow up into sedition?
I Make An Act of Thanksgiving
In making an act of Thanksgiving of my penciled thoughts and prayers I discovered a surprising freedom and a unique invitation.
The human chain of life
I had a dream, under a cloud be-speckled blue sky that we all joined hands with our nearby neighbors, to the right and to the left, whose opinions, possibly, probably, almost certainly, differ from our own. Me with thee and thee with thou until we reached the end of the lane, the boundaries of the […]
A Perfecting Time
My hair is long My nails unkempt My clothes askew My face unwashed Thus unadorned I go before my day. This day, as the last and the one before it and the one before that. How many more? I cannot say I have no say Lord, how long? Instead, You turn me to me And […]