Fancy Fades

It began at a wedding where the wine never ran out… With fancy nails, pristine for the big event. Now, it’s time .. to get some DIRT under those nails!

All Joy

The world will try to take a bite out of your joy… Don’t let it.

Too Late

Don’t wait till next season … to use this season’s gifts.

Invited to Rest

The lake is glorious. Restful, peaceful, serene. It doesn’t shout, “Come, play with me!” It doesn’t tease, “Lookie what I’m doing.” It doesn’t tempt with rowdy revelers splashing and sailing and fishing. Well, there are quite a few fishing. No, the Lake at Junaluska just is. It is rest. It is peace. It is serene. […]

A Working Retreat?

Oxymorons…you gotta love them. Verbally puzzling expressions that stop and make you think, because they just don’t go together. Today, I am headed 8 hours south into the mountains of North Carolina to a retreat center at Lake Junaluska. There may be more beautiful and restful places than this, but I don’t know them. Alas, […]

Punching holes in the darkness

I had never heard the story shared by Adam Hamilton in his 2013 Inaugural Prayer Service Sermon. He said, I’ll be telling the old story about Robert Louis Stevenson. Stevenson, the 19th-century author, once told how, as a boy, he’d been sitting in front of the window at nightfall, watching the lamplighter light the gas street lamps.  He would erect […]

Raindrops on the window, have you watched them too?

My 22 year old, bi-lingual daughter wrote me. “Look what was on Twitter: Soy ese 99,9999999999999% que de pequeño se quedaba mirando las gotas de lluvia en el cristal del coche para ver como hacían carreras.” She says, “My translation: I’m one of the 99.9999999999999% who as a child sat looking at the raindrops on the […]