The Big Finish

Dear Kinesthetic Christian friends and fans, Since July of 2012 I have been posting to this space, as a way to explore and share ideas about an embodied faith — a faith that lives and moves and has its being in and through me. Perhaps it feels so also with you. Thank you, Dear Reader, […]

Can God speak to us through our bodies?

God speaks to us through our bodies. Why is that so hard to believe? We say that 70% of communication is non-verbal. Why do we insist that God speak through our listening ears? What do we perceive non-verbally? Well, this may sound nonsensical, because in normal conversation, what we mean by non-verbal is messaging though […]

Recipe for Life

Some things you just have to learn by doing. That was yesterday’s final email in an exchange with my daughter, now in law school, who asked, “Okay. I ordered chicken breasts through Peapod, but how do I cook them????????????????” And yes, there is much angst contained in those ???s This is a capable young woman, […]

Time In a Body

The older I get the more aware I become of the preciousness of the body that still answers the call. And the care is deserves.

All By Myself, but not alone

Isn’t it funny how you can feel the difference between “no one is home” and “no one will be home for the next 6 hours”? That’s what it was like when the crowd thinned this morning and I had the whole house to myself. I wrote that on Wednesday morning (2 days ago), the second day […]