Control the Negative: your back will thank you

There’s plenty of negative out there we can’t control, but the negative I’m talking about we can. And we need to do it better. I’m talking about the eccentric phase of our daily movements. Most of us know this from the weight room as the lowering of the weight after lifting it. Or, as the […]

Who is watching the children?

When Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva took the ice for her free skate were you holding your breath? rooting for her? booing her? Did you look away or leave the venue, as it’s reported the USA skating team did? Or did you stand agape like I did, watching a 15 year old child who bore […]

Five Simple Ways to Beat Overuse Injuries

Keep your players fresh and injury free by adding variety and changing things up. Here are some easy-to-implement ideas that will pay off big in healthy play and keeping injuries away.