How can I connect with a Creator I cannot see?
We connect everyday with things we don’t see, many of them in an old, familiar way. What does this for you? For me it is my dad’s old sweatshirt. Turned inside out, it was my favorite outfit as a kid. Even in the coldest weather, I could put it on over whatever else I was […]
Stretch to strengthen: pain of a healing sort
Body and soul together in prayer.
Love Inspired
5 minutes that will transform your day
Fancy Fades
It began at a wedding where the wine never ran out… With fancy nails, pristine for the big event. Now, it’s time .. to get some DIRT under those nails!
You are exactly what God had in mind
We don’t have to be perfect to be beautiful, just broken open.
Take a Deeper Breath
Sometimes, pushed to our limit, we discover we have more resources than we realize. Deep, slowed breathing gets us to the top of the mountain when forced effort leaves us panting for air.
The undeniable evidence of your senses
Need proof of a Divine Designer? Look no further than your own body
Is that you, God? It’s me, Wendy
If an App on my phone can identify birds by their songs, I wonder if an App could ID God sounds and sightings.
What the Body Knows it Remembers
The motion of the sea stays with me. Maybe it’s trying to tell me something.
Under the overpass of life
A moment of doubt sometimes makes you wonder, or at least listen better.