Recovering rhythm

There’s been a schism; we’ve lost our rhythm. (it’s what we used to rely on the world to supply) What’s slowed our pace has nearly stopped our race. But hey, stay-at-home is not stuck alone. Turn up the volume, be inspired dial the inner music even higher. Let it lead you, even feed you. Feel […]

Kids anxious or antsy? At-Home PE Primer to the rescue!

Regular workouts ease depression and lift mood according to studies performed on adults, but regular exercise may be even more important to the health and mental well-being of children. Especially now, while kids are stuck at home with parents who are struggling to deliver homeschool lessons, a jolt of fun physical activity may be just what […]

A Perfecting Time

My hair is long My nails unkempt My clothes askew My face unwashed Thus unadorned I go before my day. This day, as the last and the one before it and the one before that. How many more? I cannot say I have no say Lord, how long? Instead, You turn me to me And […]

Pass the Peace, Please

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. ~ John 14:27 This devotional meditation was originally written in December of 2019 and published in the Devotions for Lent booklet created and distributed by […]

Hand Washing as Prayer

How kinesthetic is this act of hand washing? Of soap and water sudsing, hands a-rubbing, fingers folding, interlocking, palms compressing and releasing, slipping one past the other, slick even slippery, signaling finally that it’s time to rinse. What if, instead of counting obediently 1,2,3… instead of singing happy birthday mindlessly… we prayed intentionally? The Lord’s […]