CIMG4691For every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction. So Newton says.

That’s not to say that whatever you do, they’ll do it back to you; or whatever you give, they’ll give it back to you. No, good doesn’t necessarily beget good, it does good in the do-er.

Some call it grace; some call it karma. I call it Newton’s 3rd Law. Whatever I do, it applies an equal and opposite force to me. My body’s doings obey the laws of motion, uniquely!

My doing changes me back.
My thinking causes me to think again.
My helping them, helps me.
My ironing for him, smooths me.
My cleaning for her, cleanses me.

My praying, for him, for her, for them,
teaches me:
how to pray, what to say,
what to silence,
when to go, when to stay.

Equal and opposite.
Whenever I give, I get back,

Equal and opposite.
It’s a law of nature.
My nature.

For my every action, there’s a reaction,
In me.