I HAVE to get my book draft finished! The first draft was so fun. The editing stinks. I find everything else in the world to do – other than finishing it. It’s me. It’s procrastination. I know this me. So does God. Help! …I say.

So I’m pulling on my sweatshirt this morning – the one with the laces strung through the metal eyelet, and I scratch the heck out of the bridge of my nose. It’s bleeding and dripping. I dab with the damp tissue and am satisfied that I don’t look quite so much like a prize fighter.

Then I take my seat at the desk and stare at the manuscript. I pull on my reading glasses to paw through my reading materials. I wanna sketch the changes in in pencil. Perhaps dabble a bit in my journal. But my nose hurts. Yep – right there. Bridge of my nose. Underneath my glasses.

Go figure. Do you suppose God scratched me so I would have to set the glasses aside and get this doggone manuscript completed on the computer? My editor has requested it in digital form.

But then, I pull out the laptop and … I am compelled by this blog that “needs” posting. So here I am. To say. That I am suspending all new KC posts until I have this manuscript thing edited and sent to my professional editor.

God says so. But in the meantime, perhaps you kind readers will offer encouraging words about how to beat the procrastination monster. I will, of course, be reading comments via smart phone.

And maybe shoot up a few prayers. I need them.

Thanks for reading. See you soon, I hope.
