
What do a billion prayers sound like to God?

Do they ring, like bells?

Do they rush, like water?

Do they sing, like melody?

Do they echo, like canyons?

Or do they shudder, like fear?

Shout, like panic,

Whisper, like despair,

Rasp, like profanity?

Do they run for their lives?

Huddle in hope,

Gasp, in disbelief,

Cry out in pain and anguish and tortured lament.

What a cacophony,

a deafening ordeal.

No mortal man could hear it and live.

Yet God hears the heart of His people,

And smiles, weeps, sings, frowns, dances, shouts, claps, calls, whispers, shudders, twists, sips, tastes, and sees.

A billion prayers, come to life.

What do a billion prayers sound like to God?

They sound.