The Apprentice Gathering is a three day conference for individuals desiring a deeper relationship with God. Join me on Friday afternoon for a workshop where we'll connect with God in the physical.Read More
Loving God with heart, mind, soul and strength isn't just a good idea, it's a way if life, and we'll be tackling it physically. Join us for a great big Sisters in Spirit sleepover and full day of learning as we share ways God is working in our lives physically, spiritually and communally.Read More
God doesn’t put us to the test. God takes us through the test. There is something about the fire of tribulation that melts and molds us into shapes of God’s own design. What new wholeness is God designing for you?Read More
Can God hear your plea in the middle of the world’s cacophony? If you felt sure God was listening to you in prayer, how would that affect the way you pray? How does it affect what you say? How you listen to God in prayer?Read More
The world often urges us to hurry along, yet we need only look to the example of our God who spent the seventh day resting from the work done in creation, not because God needed to take a breather, but because God knew we would.Read More
Thank you, God, for my heart, the magnificent organ that serves with such humility to distribute my life’s blood. Help me to care for it well so I can use it to respond to the needs of my world and to your calling on my life.Read More