Listening Up

Movement is my learning language. Stillness is my listening language. If I don’t listen up,  my next move may teach me a hard lesson.

Invited to Rest

The lake is glorious. Restful, peaceful, serene. It doesn’t shout, “Come, play with me!” It doesn’t tease, “Lookie what I’m doing.” It doesn’t tempt with rowdy revelers splashing and sailing and fishing. Well, there are quite a few fishing. No, the Lake at Junaluska just is. It is rest. It is peace. It is serene. […]

The smallest of things

When fog obscures the glorious vistas, look at what the dewdrops illuminate. Each, a unique piece of craftsmanship, handcrafted with its own signature. Each, a-toiling side by side, A daily labor. A work of art.

When the fog lifts

Open my eyes, Lord, so I can see the wonders of your love and the way you are working in my world. My vision is obscured. May way is unsure. Dear one, trust me in the clouds and mist; in the descended fog, use your ears to listen. Fog is nothing to me. Listen for me. Look for me. I […]

Suddenly Still

Stillness is a shock to the system. The screeching of tires, the squealing of wheels, the swerving and maneuvering to get out of the way. When the smoke clears and the dust settles, it takes a bit of righting to find balance. Turns out, forward momentum can keep you upright through pretty much any squall, but stillness…now […]

Hands Free Viewing for a One Time Show

Trust me? Leave your phone, your notebook, and your water bottle behind. Just you and me around the lake this morning. Can you do this? But what if the sunrise is spectacular? My sunrise is not meant for you to preserve, distribute or reproduce. But what if there are words to record? My words will be […]

Order in Chaos: can’t you see it?

As I look down this tunnel of books packed floor to ceiling, I hear… du-doo, du-doo, du-doo, du-doo. I am pretty sure Rod Serling is about to tell me I have crossed over into … “The Twilight zone.” I am standing in the back of a small bookstore in Lake Junaluska, NC. On entering, I […]