Can a Writer Get Laryngitis?

When you first dabble in writing, no, when you start to get serious about writing, there are questions. What should I write? What am I meant to write? How should I write it? If anyone pretends to have the right answer for that question, run. Run away quickly. Because the most thoughtful and most helpful […]

You remind me of your father

We said our final goodbyes to Dad this weekend. What a collection we were, gathered there to pay our respects. The golf group – who remembered the yips he got on short putts like I did The bridge partners – who remembered the joy the game gave him The business partners and employees – who […]

What is it about night time?

Ian, a dear young man fights for his life in the ICU all day long. Things look promising. His “numbers” improve. Everyone is hopeful. And then the night comes…and all bets are off. Tomorrow, they do this all over again. What is it about the night fall? When darkness settles over the land. Things quiet […]

Stillness is a Stretch for Some of us

Here we go, readying for another Christmas season. It’s exciting. It’s fun. It can be exhausting. But it’s worth it. I just plan to keep the whole thing in proportion this year. Maybe look at it as an endurance event and try to keep my pace even the whole way. The challenge for me is […]

Out of Order means It Doesn’t Work

My husband said to me, “Here. I’m bringing you a gift.” And in his hand he held a dozen or so empty hangers he had pulled from his shirt rack. “Thanks. You can just put them in the laundry bin,” I told him, “I’ll take it down when I go downstairs.” He looked at me […]

When do we get around to doing what can be done anytime?

“When can you call on God?” we asked the young people in our confirmation class. There was silence, and then a hesitant, “Anytime. He’s always there.” “Yes!” my co-teacher said enthusiastically, “He’s an anytime, anywhere God.” Other people might celebrate where this class discussion ended. And so might I, if this were a class of […]

Thanksgiving, a non-denominational holiday!

Frankly, I have been surprised and pleased by the good humor of people this week. I have been to the grocery store several times, the bank, the coffee shop, run errands, and all of it’s been peaceful, fun, even collegial. People are chatting while waiting in lines. Waiting patiently, even while you bag up your […]

Giving the leftovers to God

I’ve always had a bit of trouble with this story told in both Matthew and Mark’s gospels of a Canaanite woman who pleads with Jesus for help to save her demon-possessed daughter and ends up begging for even the crumbs from His table. (Matthew 15:22-28) A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying […]

God said, “Repeat after me…”

God said it. The He said, “Now, repeat after me.” God showed it. Then He said, “Now you try.” I bent my head  and furrowed my brow. Sweat beaded on my forehead and tears splattered onto my page. God said, “My love. Don’t try so hard.” And I breathed in the breath just breathed out by […]

The Feel of it

I walk into the coffee shop with a pristine 3 hours before me. Computer in hand, notes aboard, I waltz in and discover…no seats. Nada. And this is a big place! I set my things down, order my coffee and low and behold, someone gets up and offers me her seat. She is leaving. It […]