I’m taking the day off
I’m taking the day off from worry, a gift I’m giving to myself and to my world.
Love Inspired
5 minutes that will transform your day
You are exactly what God had in mind
We don’t have to be perfect to be beautiful, just broken open.
You are what you’re doing right now
A prayer for these days
Is that you, God? It’s me, Wendy
If an App on my phone can identify birds by their songs, I wonder if an App could ID God sounds and sightings.
Hidden Majesty
Hardship and struggle rewarded with surprising beauty. Oh, how nature does teach us…
I am special because ________.
Saw this today: ” I am special because … I am really good at playing soccer.” A mother’s shout-out from her teacher-parent conference, complete with an image of her young child, kindergarten age, with a quotation bubble completing this phrase. His smiling face hovered atop a cutout body, colored with red and green Crayola crayons. […]
Punch holes in your fears
Fear hovers like fog.It gathers, hesitates, stays.We read what confirms.See, I am right to be afraid;I have reason to fear. Light dimsPulling up our covers, toour hideout, our cocoon, our tent.Safety suffocates…if not self imposed,then self-perpetuated. Punch holes in what frightens you.Not with fists,but with learning,with truth,with prayer,by conversation with a trusted confidante. Pepper your […]
Putting the Basket in the Water: Trusting God in the Next Phase of Your Child’s Life
This is so powerful. Thank you, Ashleiwoods! For anyone trusting their child to the next place on their journey, here’s to floating that basket. And all those who will be looking out for it downstream. Putting the Basket in the Water: Trusting God in the Next Phase of Your Child’s Life
How Long Does it Take to Grow Up?
Mommy, when you are a hundred, will you be as tall as the clouds? This, my little daughter asks me from her seat on the swing in our backyard. Her sweet up-turned face looks past me to the billowing clouds overhead. To her, growing up means growing taller so she can reach the monkey bars […]