Hidden Majesty

Hardship and struggle rewarded with surprising beauty. Oh, how nature does teach us…

I am special because ________.

Saw this today: ” I am special because … I am really good at playing soccer.” A mother’s shout-out from her teacher-parent conference, complete with an image of her young child, kindergarten age, with a quotation bubble completing this phrase. His smiling face hovered atop a cutout body, colored with red and green Crayola crayons. […]

Punch holes in your fears

Fear hovers like fog.It gathers, hesitates, stays.We read what confirms.See, I am right to be afraid;I have reason to fear. Light dimsPulling up our covers, toour hideout, our cocoon, our tent.Safety suffocates…if not self imposed,then self-perpetuated. Punch holes in what frightens you.Not with fists,but with learning,with truth,with prayer,by conversation with a trusted confidante. Pepper your […]

How Long Does it Take to Grow Up?

Mommy, when you are a hundred, will you be as tall as the clouds? This, my little daughter asks me from her seat on the swing in our backyard. Her sweet up-turned face looks past me to the billowing clouds overhead. To her, growing up means growing taller so she can reach the monkey bars […]