Sinking Sand or Solid Ground?

I don’t know about you but as for me, closing my eyes to pray or meditate isn’t an option. I feel trapped in a dark place and start scrounging around for light of my own creation or imagining. And that is sure to distract me from my intentions. I need a visual focus, something for […]

How to make your dynamic warm-up into an ACL injury prevention warm-up

Dynamic warm-ups are the norm for teams getting ready to play, but they’re not enough to address the high risk for ACL injuries that exists for female high school athletes today. To do that, we need to include ACL injury prevention exercises. There is strong evidence that well-structured ACL injury prevention warm- ups work. They […]

Prevention Programs Reduce ACL Injuries by > 50%

Neuromuscular injury prevention training programs have been shown to reduce non-contact and indirect-contact ACL injuries by more than 50%. This percentage jumps to as high as 88% for comprehensive programs designed for the highest risk populations — young female athletes who participate in jumping and cutting sports. Recent meta-analyses of various injury prevention programs identified […]