Stay in the presence of God
I love the way you worship, I told him. Because I did. I enjoyed the freedom he had to raise his hands shout his praise demonstrate his love of God Almighty. I get embarrassed, I told him. Because I do. I worry about what others might think if they saw me with raised hands speaking […]
Lindsey Vonn: Does Brave have to be Broken?
I read with some sadness, the article about Lindsey Vonn in the Washington Post, by Barry Svrluga. I have nothing but respect for what Vonn has accomplished, no qualms with the inspiration she has provided to the next generation of skiers, and I raise no argument against her claim to be the GOAT. I have not met […]
Toss the Leftovers
Remember that Thanksgiving when you shoved 17 plastic containers of leftovers in the frig, fitted them into every crevice, pressing the sandwich-bag filled with peas and pearled onions into the very back corner, wedged behind the sweet potatoes and the sliced ham you forgot you had? Remember when everything suddenly went dim because you had […]
Will this be life-giving for me?
How can we tell if something is alive? Biologists look for 5 traits, processes or functions as signs of life: metabolism (consume, construct, destruct, excrete) growth (learn, build, improve) reproduction (spawn offspring or ideas) responsiveness (sensitive, attentive, active) movement (action, progress, liveliness) These are the characteristics of life — the life of anything. That’s cool, […]
A Walking Advertisement for Christ
My salvation is an issue between me and my Maker and your salvation is an issue between you and Yours. My job, as one seeking to live a Christian life, is to be a good advertisement for the way to God demonstrated in the life of Christ. For me, that’s an in-body experience. If we […]
Should We Really Be Listening to the Student Who Got a C in the Class?
Fit2Finish friends, before you “like”, “share” or “sign up,” please find out who is supplying what you’re buying into. Ask these things: What are your credentials? are you an expert in this subject? (easy to Google!) Show me your references. Do you have publications which support what you are saying or selling? (anybody worth listening to has a body […]