In-formed by Love, not News

The gruesome experience “informed” his art. The break-in and near death experience, “informed” his life’s course. The death of her mother by suicide “informed” her field of study. The assault she survived “informed” her very life. What happens in our lives in-forms us. What we experience forms us, on the inside. We say we live in an […]

Sown Seed

But the seed falling on good soil is the one who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.

Invited to Rest

The lake is glorious. Restful, peaceful, serene. It doesn’t shout, “Come, play with me!” It doesn’t tease, “Lookie what I’m doing.” It doesn’t tempt with rowdy revelers splashing and sailing and fishing. Well, there are quite a few fishing. No, the Lake at Junaluska just is. It is rest. It is peace. It is serene. […]